Sunday, 26 February 2017

The last !

I got around to fitting the new parts to the bike this last weekend. The mirrors have really made a difference to the width and overall look of the bike. She´s really looks like a little motorcycle now. New fork reflectors, horn and rear fender complete that look. The carburetor has made a world of difference to the performance of the bike. She starts on the first kick and goes like a rocket (a 49cc rocket).  

As there is not much left to do on the bike besides obtaining one or two hard-to-find parts, I think it is safe to say that this restoration is now complete. 
I therefore will not be updating this blog any further.  

I have changed most of the fasteners on the bike to dome head stainless steel cap screws. I am still searching for a NOS R/H blue leg cover. If you have one to sell me please get in contact with me 

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Finishing touches

My order from CMS has finally arrived with lots of nice parts in the box: 

Parts include : Mirrors , Handlebars, Fork Reflectors + Bases , Carburetor

NOS Carburetor Assy.
It even has yellow paint over the mixture setting screw. 

, Engine kill switch , Horn , Alternator cover and other small bits and pieces.

As rare as hens teeth

NOS Rear Fender and Leg Cover

Saturday, 4 February 2017

More parts

I forgot to mention in the previous post that I have gotten hold of a NOS Rear Fender. This is an extremely rare part and I think it is safe to say that it could very well be the last new one in the world. Pictures to follow as soon as the said parts arrive.


School Fees

As luck would have it, I'm now in need of a new piston and rings for this bike as I have managed to destroy the last set along with the cylinder. During the past week i had the piston out of the bike trying to diagnose the cause of some pretty audible piston slap. The noise has been there since I rebuilt the engine and I was a little concerned that damage to the piston or cylinder might occur if I left it to carry on for much longer. With the parts out of the bike I measured them up and they were all within spec so back in they went.

I proceeded to start the bike up, let it warm up, gave it a quick rev and pssss..... DEAD. Why now ?
This is what happens when you re-use old wrist pin clips. The clip was actually embedded in the piston but i had removed it and filed down the burrs before this photo was taken. 

This is what also happens when you re-use old wrist pin clips. Those gouges are quite deep. I reckon a 1 mm oversize re-bore might just clean up the barrel.

In the mean time I've ordered a new piston and rings and with those "school fees" paid and a lesson learnt the hard way, I hereby vow never again to use an old wrist pin clip. Luckily I  have a good used cylinder that will be painted, honed and installed. 

I have subsequently learned that Expresses all have fairly loose piston to bore clearances, hence the noise I was hearing.  

Monday, 30 January 2017

...and it continues. 4 years later !!!!

Hi loyal followers and everyone else who may just stumble upon this site.

Iv recently re-discovered that I have this Honda express restoration project sitting in the corner of my garage that I should probably complete someday. Becoming a dad tends to put such projects on the back burner while you run around making sure your delightful little infant lives to see another day. With that said, I think its high time some progress is made on this build.

I happened to be browsing the parts schematics on the other evening and noticed that they had a 1979 NC50 Carburetor available . Only 1 in stock ! Just one. This constituted a total emergency in my books.  Sure there are plenty for sale on eBay but they are all in used condition. I have never ever seen a NOS one for sale anywhere. I hit the add to cart button without hesitation.....And then I added a few more delights to the basket to make up for the exorbitant shipping charge to South Africa. Iv never been that happy to hand over my hard earned cash, ever.

So iv got a box of bits on its way to me, and if all goes well the bike should be very close to completion once the said parts are installed. Bits include mirrors, handlebars , brake levers, horn, engine kill switch housing, that all important CARBURETOR and a few other small items. I am currently using a 1981 carb which isn't ideal as it is an automatic choke version which means the choke cable has nowhere to go.

The final touch to the build will be to get it through its COR test and then get it licensed. I foresee this as a project on its own as I have absolutely no licence paperwork for the bike, which means countless trips to the licencing department, to the pound for police clearance, the weighbridge, filling out affidavits and wherever else they may happen to feel like making you do. The lack of indicators will more than likely throw an additional spanner into the works as well.


Monday, 21 January 2013

Some long overdue photos

Here some photos of the bike , id say its 90% complete now . Only a few more things to obtain .